Thursday, November 18, 2010


I'm not sure if there is anything too new to report. Besides sitting in the mall with one of our students for a couple hours as she and a few others await for the Harry Potter movie 17 hours early, or playing cowgirl at one of HMC family's farms while they go on a much needed vacation, or getting ready to go on a fun little Thanksgiving vacation to see family in Kauai, we haven't been up to too much.

For the past few days, David and I have been taking care of a family's farm out in the boonies of Hawaii. David and I truly enjoyed being near animals again (4 horses, 4 goats, 3 dogs, and 3 cats). It was great to be out in nature, enjoying God's creation.

Just a quick thought to share. I was reading a friend's blog and she shared her mission statement or purpose statement. Just the idea of having a mission statement was amazing to me, an individual mission statement. You hear about company's mission statements, but why shouldn't we have a mission statement too as individuals. A mission statement motivates, focuses, reminds, and brings clarity. What would your mission statement be? I'm going to start working on mine.

Have a wonderful week!

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