Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Maui trip with the Walisz...fam

Aloha friends and family,
Sorry for the delayed update on the Pooles. Last week, David and I joined my family for a few days over in Maui where David worked (and played some) and I got to play and spend time with them. It was a much needed break for me, especially after working 3 weeks solid in some tough special ed cases. We joined them Sunday evening and came back Thursday morning. The pictures above are with the family in Maui...everything from blowholes, white sand beaches, to rocks that look like dragon's teeth (that's what the location is called, I promise I didn't make that up).
It was nice to be back in Maui. It felt like another home since growing up, using my dad's expertise, travel vouchers, and/or miles, we were privileged to vacation in Maui several times. If you ever travel to Maui, stay at the Papakea and eat at Lahaina Pizza place. The two best spots on the whole island ;)
Now it's back to work (or continuing to work for David). I already have two solid weeks of work. Praise God! Starting tomorrow, I'll be teaching in a 5th grade (not special ed) classroom at the local Christian school. I'm really excited for this teaching experience and for the change of pace. Pray for me. I know all the things I ever did to subs will come back to haunt me. Show me grace God, I apolgize to all my sub teachers out there, from elem school to high school. Gosh, I could be awful! I'm sure none of you ever treated your subs horridly (changing names during attendance, sticking notes on their back, putting something on their chair when they sat down, ...)? Did you?
The wind has calmed down...so I haven't been kiteboarding. But saving some money to travel to the other side of the island when the wind picks back up again.
David went diving with a bunch of guys last Saturday. He said it was a gorgeous day and so much fun to be out with the youth diving and grilling hamburgers. *I feel that Tim the Toolman's grunt is appropriate right now...insert here*.

We'd ask that you continue to keep us in your prayers. Life continues to be hard right now. It's a good reminder that paradise isn't always paradise. Ultimate paradise will be when we are standing before our Heavenly Father someday in heaven worshipping Him with all the other people who believed in Jesus Christ and therefore have eternal life! Woohoo, I'm excited for that day!

Love to know how you are doing. Give us an email. Kelsey.poole09@yahoo.com.

Aloha ke Akua,

Saturday, October 9, 2010

David's pics of Thailand

Sa wah dee ka
(Thai greeting)
I wanted to post the Thailand pictures on behalf of David. I believe there are more to come. The majority of these pictures are taken on their fellowship fishing trip they took Saturday with one of the missionaries and some thai believers.
While David was in Thailand, I was able to have some time to myself. Although I stayed busy with youth group, work, meetings, I did have some time to miss my husband:) I also decided to make our living room and dining room a bit more homey. I stained, painted, designed and bought things to make it look 10x better. We found out we will probably get to stay in our current house longer than december, so I thought it was time to make it feel like home since this will probably be the longest we've stayed in one place since we've moved to Hawaii. So come one, come all and come visit us:)
Well what's new in the lives of the Pooles?
Now that we've hit October, it seems like our busy lives have accelerated. Thankfully, I've been getting a lot of work and now am pretty booked until November 5. God has been so faithful. Tis the season to work so I can have the season of travel and kiteboard:)
The youth group continues to have its ups and downs. Overall the youth group is about seeing kids come into a real relationship with Jesus Christ, and our prayer is that that is happening. I hope nothing we do never gets in the way of that. If we ever become a hinderance of that happening, I hope God removes us immediately. Every church brings its politics, unfortunately, and that is something we continue to try to dodge (as much as we can help it). Your prayer is greatly appreciated in this area.

In about a week, David and I will be heading to Kahalui, Maui, to join my parents and Trevor on a little R and R. This is something we have been looking forward to a long time. The last time David and I both were on Maui together was in December 2006 for the Waliszewski Christmas vacation. It'll be fun to re-visit my second home, well now third home:)

Your prayers are always appreciated as I continue to work (as a side job) about starting some sort of educational experience for high school and/or college here in Hilo, Hawaii. It's been on my heart for a while, and I found another gal here who has felt that God has been laying on her heart to start something similar. Currently, we are meeting once a week and watching what we believe God is piecing  together...possibly something bigger than we've both imagined. We want to be in the center of God's will and are trying to sort what is God and what is not...whew...it's been quite the task. Do you have any similar stories or situations? Please let me know, how do you determine God's will from the many things you think may be God. Send us your thoughts (kelsey.poole09@yahoo.com).

Also, David and I will be traveling back to Colorado December 23- January 7. We would love to do a weekend in the mountains or anything...looking for a cheaper trip than Hawaii?..we would love to see you during our time in Colorado. Let us know if you can make it to CO during those dates, and we'll start planning something:)

Ok, well that's all for now folks. Better get back to our teen drama practice. Our teens have planned and prepared a drama to outreach during the Christmas season. Our prayer is that their daily lives reflect the truth they are performing.

Kelsey (and David)