Thursday, December 9, 2010

plethora of pics

This is a plethora of pictures, all pretty random, but all really awesome! Some are from a diving trip David took with a few of the youth guys and one of our college students. Others are of a monk seal in Kauai relaxing on the beach. I don't know about you, but if I were to be any animal I think I'd pick the monk seal. This seal not only was sunning itself on the white sand, but it had a perimeter roped off not allowing anyone to go near and give it it's space...I wish every time I went to the beach I could claim a large section of beach just to myself with threatening signs not to go near me either:)...Lucky...
There's a picture of green stuff surrounded by foil. That's called lau lau. Yes, for those who are local, your mouth is salivating as we speak. For those not familiar with the Hawaiian foods, you may be gagging in your mouth. This dish is chicken, pork, and/or fish wrapped in taro leaves (which taste like spinach). A Hawaiian favorite, and something I'm still getting used to.
A few more are from Kauai when my uncle Steve and David decided to go boogie boarding in the high surf...a few bruises and scrapes later...I'm happy to say they did manage to make it out alive. Also that's Diane (my dad's cousin) waving to you from an amazing snorkeling beach called Poipu. The last are pictures of the youth girls tping my own house. Please, let me explain before you come to any hasty judgements. Yes, I let the girls tp the inside of MY house, but what you don't know is that David was having a Guy's Night simultaneously and they just happened to be out. Using my own toilet paper, plastic wrap, and furniture, these girls did a fantastic job turning my house into a dump which the boys later came home too. What a great bonding experience. Overall David and I really appreciate living life with the youth in these small ways like Girls Nights and Guys Nights! Lately our message has been for them to grow...and they don't need a youth group or a fun night like these to do that. God's given them everything and simply put it is this:
G- Get into God (Prayer
R- Read his Word
O- Obey His commands
W- Witness

May you grow this week!

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