Sunday, June 26, 2011


We have had an infestation of rats, yes rats. These little nasty creatures have decided to join our life in paradise. As unwelcomed as they are, they have entered our home, mind you our very very tiny home, by the dozens. Well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but David did kill 4 yesterday, and we found one today. YUCK!! David wanted me to mention that he wrestled down and killed 7 rats Samson-style by himself:)
We have tried the poison, and although working slowly, doesn't seem to be solving the problem. So what's our plan B, you ask? CAT. We are praying for a cat that needs a good home and comes with all the gadgets (litter box and such)...and hopefully is an excellent rat killer.

David has had to work night shifts Monday-Thursday, so I was left alone when these sneaky creatures invaded. Needless to say I did not get much sleep, as I slept with one eye open most of the night. So would you join us in prayer for a cat. We need God's perfect rat killer.

This week has been so busy with work, praise God! And already Monday-Friday is almost fully booked with only a couple seats available. We can now start booking our afternoon trips!! Well, maybe, because that does interfere with kiting. And speaking of kiting, I seem to be going out everyday and my sessions (riding time) is getting longer and longer wind permitting. Every time I go out I thank God for giving me this time to follow my dream.

Well your prayers are appreciated. We are in a season of season God's provision and faithfulness, despite this rat problem:)

If we get a cat...what should we name it??


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