We are so overwhelmed with everyone's kindness and hospitality. On Monday I was invited to a women's dinner where we had some incredible fellowship and excellent Mexican food...yum! David was even invited too. We spent almost an entire afternoon with the pastor at HMC (Daniel) on Tuesday. We had some great conversation and excellent local food. He treated us at the end to ice shave, which is shaved ice with ice cream in the middle...Why hasn't Colorado thought of that? And yesterday we went over to Art and Donna's for dinner. We stayed there almost 4 hours. We were able to hear Art's incredible testimony of how he found the Lord, we just couldnt leave. Next time they said to bring our suitcase and stay the night:)
David and I have been at the church a lot, a lot, a lot. We are working on planning a retreat over Labor Day with the kids at Makapala. We appreciate all the prayers for that. We have a parent's meeting on Sept 13. For now, David has this 3 month series of "boot camp" he's going to take the teens through. It's the basic training of Christianity, getting everyone on the same page. We'll be doing service projects here and there as well as some randomly fun activities. Starting in January we'll be launching something more focused and new. We are praying about changing the name of the youth programs and maybe naming the actual youth group. We will be launching more small groups, and we'll hopefully have more leaders who are excited and passionate for what God has planned for HMC youth! The leaders who are here now, are absolutely incredible we just want more leaders! So in November we'll probably start a leader's training program, so all of us will be on the same page come January.
It's busy but good. Tonight is Mana Akua, a student leadership group. By the way, if you are curious David's hours are:
Tues 9-5
Wed 9-5
Thurs 9-4 6-whenever Mana Akua is over
Friday 10:30-4- hang out with kids, go to concerts, sporting events
Saturday hang out with kids, sporting events, concerts, and a younger church called Elevate at 6 which some of the teens attend too
Sunday Fuel 8:30-10:30. Second service local style, and relax
David may have a chance to be on the radio every month...stay tuned for that update
Prayer requests:
Need a table
Need a lanai set
We would like to start looking for a house in October, and we want the Lord's fingerprints to be all over that decision. Specific to that prayer request is affordable, maybe a bank-owned house, and furnished, and closer to Hilo.
I will be looking for a job starting in October and I'm praying it won't be a huge ordeal. My desire is to have a part-time job that allows me to interact with the community in some way building relationships outside the church.
We are continuing to pray for wisdom and insight for the youth at HMC!!
Love you all
David and Kelsey]
Here are pics of the ocean we run to every morning!! How awesome is our God!
Thanks for keeping us all updated!! Love you guys!