dave and kels: adventures in hawaii
Thursday, August 30, 2012
It seems to be a monthly blog update.
End of July: My folks and Trevor came end of July and the first few days of August to relax in Hawaii. David and I were both able to relax a little bit with them, but of course it wasn't fully vacation for us with still having to work. Trevor and I were able to spend some quality sister/brother time. I tell you, a have so much respect for my little brother...that boy...I mean man... He has so much wisdom...I truly treasure him! Casey, my boss, even took us one day to Waipio. We were talking about hiking in and out of this beautiful valley (think of Pikes Peak incline on steriods) until Casey volunteered to drive us down in his 4x4 truck and show us some beautiful waterfalls and share a little history of the valley. We really appreciated his time and just enjoyed being in the valley the whole day...something a bit different than the Anaehoomalu Beach my folks tend to stay at the whole time they are here (typically the beach I kite at and has the most shade).
August: Was a busy month for both David and I. We celebrated our Anniversary by going out to dimmer at a nice restaurant and then joined my folks for dessert at Roys (they have the best dessert...ever...in fact I'm taking our crew girls out to dinner and dessert there tonight...yumm). I worked 13 days in a row, then taking one day break, went back to working about 7 days in a row. In this business you take all you can get, because starting in September there is no work. We have been seeing a lot of baby dolphins. You can view pictures on our blog www.adventurexraftinghawaii.blogspot.com or on our facebook page (ADVENTURE X RAFTING HAWAII).
David's scheduled shifted from him working nights to days quite drastically in the month of August. He seems to enjoy the challenges of managing and learns new skills everyday. The reports he gives me is that he finds favor amongst his fellow employess, the people he leads and his bosses. I'm happy for him. He also has started this Paleo diet (thanks to Joel R.). He is on a high protein, lots of vegetables, and lots of fruits- diet and has eliminated soda, sugar, and carbs. I'm proud of him for taking some extreme measures to get back to healthy.
Not sure what the month of September holds. I do get my wisdom teeth out towards the end of September and there is talk about a kiteboarding trip to Oahu. We are going to be taking care of an 80 year old woman for a few days too in Hilo. Also, David and I have committed to volunteer in 3 week increments at HEART RANCH: A place where kids and horses connect and they watch God do the rest. I may start helping with lessons and David has volunteered to help with ranch chores. We really believe in what Tony and Fronda are doing and want to help in anyway we can.
BTW...congrats to Kory and Ali Lantz having their baby! What great parents you'll be!!!
Well that's all for now,
Please come visit!
Kelsey (and David) and Kapule (our very very fat kitt)
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Wow, I didn't realize it has been more than a month since I've last written. I guess the busyness of being back to work, kept me distracted.
Where do I begin?
Update on Kelsey:
June 15 the Malaialena was back up and running (the big yellow boat seen in the picture). We had many sea trials (without guests on board) with captain and crew. During these sea trials we saw 100+ melon head dolphins which I swam with (I also swam with a 8-10 ft tiger shark at the same time, that wasn't planned), caught a Mahi Mahi (which we still have filets in the freezer from), and explored sea caves. Although sea trials were a blast, it is great to be back up and running with paying guests on board for our AM Dolphin Watch and Snorkel. What a job being able to witness Spinner Dolphins each and every day!!
As for kiteboarding, I'm loving the sport! I'm currently working on jumping and back rolls. I never thought I'd actually be a kiteboarder, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity (health and location) to be able to follow this dream. As always, I'm thankful for my 10 coaches always encouraging and challenging me to be a better kiter or just letting me nap on the beach after a long day:)
We do have new roomies. Jessica, who works on the boat as well and her husband Dimitry have been living with us for about a month. They too are from Colorado, and have fallen in love with the Big Island. Dima is working in Kona as a car salesman (and occasionally gets to commute with David into town) while Jessica works on the boat and is a part time receptionists for a construction company as well (that job was found through the church they've plugged into). It has been great getting to know them and learning to live life with them.
David: Still plugging away at Target. He has been recognized amongst some Target leaders as being a guy to bring up sales quite drastically in his department through good management and hard work. I'm pretty proud of him. I believe in 200 stores they are top 16 in his department. Although retail was never his first choice, he really has been learning some valuable lessons in leadership and management, lessons I believe that apply in every day life. He is contemplating the idea of helping with a middle school wrestling program on Wednesday nights...so stay tuned. Some friends of ours, Art and Donna, came over a couple different times in the month of June. We always enjoy fellowship with Art and Donna, and David really enjoys having a spear fishing partner with Art! Dima and David also went diving, and Jessica and I enjoyed the stand up paddle board.
David completed a half marathon on June 24! This time I didn't run it with him, but I'm very proud that he finished all by himselft! A huge accomplishment!
Here are some other fun things we did in the month of June:
-My grandma came out for a visit for 3 days:)
-The HMC Youth came over for a couple days. We enjoyed playing Settlers of Catan.
- A couple youth students came to hang at the beach with us!! We always love time visiting and catching up with Hilo friends!
-Went to the Big Island Chocolate Festival compliments of my boss and his wife! We were all chocolated out for weeks after that event! Talk about some delicious chocolate. The event was organized by a fellow kiter and chocolatier.
-Stayed in touch with family as the fire in Colorado crept closer to family members homes. My grandma's neighborhood was burned down, but miraculously her house and her cul-du-sac survived!! All my other family's homes were spared, although the fire got very close. We are very thankful for all the time spent by our heroic fire-fighters!!
-My dad and brother went to INDIA!! I still haven't heard ALL the stories, but my family comes to visit the 18th. Looking forward to hearing more about India then.
Well time to go to bed!
Hope all is well. Would love to hear from you!!
Come visit!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Howdy from Indiana,
David and I have made it back to the mainland for a very quick 10 day trip that includes Colorado and Indiana. We are currently in Mishawaka, Indiana, and just concluded the festivities of Trevor's graduation from Notre Dame. We are so very proud of his accomplishments: graduating Summa Cum Laude, full ride to Indiana University Law School, and being a 2nd Lieutenant (an officer) in the Army. How couldn't a sister be proud of her little baby brother;)
In Colorado, we saw lots of family and friends. From seeing David's folks, sister, brother in law, our adorable little niece, grandma and aunts...to old high school friends, to my grandmother and aunt...it was a very busy 3 days! It was great to breathe the Colorado air, or lack of, again.
We are in our old college stomping grounds here in Mishawaka staying at Dani and Ryan's beautiful home. After having a fire in their home less than a year ago, it is amazing to see God's provision in a beautiful almost new home, new furniture, new paint, and new car...all from having homeowners insurance. Something so tragic, ended up being so good..."Everything works out for the good to those who Love the Lord and are called according to His purpose". We have been so busy with Notre Dame graduation stuff, but I was able to slip away and see good friends: Ali and Kory (who are pregnant, due in August...congrats u guys) Brooke and Nate (newly weds:), Rachel and Chad (old married couple:), Brittany Cook, Kassandra, Danni Sev, Becca...and David went to Tim and Alyssa's wedding (congrats!) and saw many friends there too! Dani and Ryan are so gracious and holding a get together for us to see a bunch of people at once!!! (So if you are an Indiana resident and are in the Mishawaka area...we would LOVE to see u...6:30 pm, Monday May 21 at Dani and Ryan call or text me 808-217-7454 for directions).
There's one thing that I am sad about. My first picture I posted is of my sister (and boss:). I've had such an incredible 6 months living and working with her, and as of Thursday, Hawaii will no longer be their home :( So as much as I'm looking forward to being back home in Hawaii, I'm very sad about losing her as a roommate and co-worker.
We do have another couple coming to live with us for possible 2 months as they see if Waikoloa is the place for them. We are looking forward to getting to know this couple better (we met them 2 years ago in Hilo...).
We are Kona-bound Wednesday! We'll be Chicago bound on Tuesday...going to take a 24 hr vacation to enjoy the fun in our old stomping grounds of Chi-town. Waiting for the NATO summit to be pau to avoid all the chaos there.
Hope to see Indiana friends on Monday.
Kelsey and David
Monday, April 30, 2012
Work hard, play hard
There is a season to work hard, and then there is a season to play hard. Our boat company hosted over 1500 people during our 3 month peak whale season. That was a lot of work! Enjoyable work to say the least, but work...we were busy.
Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, we are in a 6 week dry dock. Well it is forced play you might say. Yes, there is still work to be done, and there's a lot of pressure to be back in the water, but "it is what it is" and now is a season of play too!
So I've been doing just that, and when David, Haley and Andrew can join me...we all go play. You only live life once, right?
A few weeks ago, friends from Hilo came over to camp and scuba. David and I have never scuba-ed, so Chris so willingly and patiently taught David the art of scuba. David was thrilled about this new way to experience the water. He even caught a fish too. I never eat the fish he catches, because when I see them "whole" and their sad little eyes staring at me as they sit, forever, in the fridge or ahem cooler... waiting to be cooked...they suddenly have a name, and a family, and...well need I go on? I sat with the ladies on the beach and played with the pooch...and Jackson, the newest edition to our crew...almost 1 year old. It is so fun to see Chris and Heather as parents. They are doing a great job at it too:) I'm a true believer that parenting is one of the hardest jobs in life, so kudos to all you parents out there. And thank you to our parents for putting up with the amazing and hard times we threw your way.
Well Haley and Andrew leave in about 3 weeks:( We are excited to see where the next adventure takes them. As for us, our plan is to hold on to our rental for another couple months unless another rental opens up or maybe we even buy? We have already been pre-approved for a loan, and tis the time to buy in Hawaii. So whatever door God chooses to open up we'll follow, we just hope He really makes it clear. The picture of Haley and Andrew is at a fresh water pond literally feet away from the ocean. Amazing to have fresh water and salt water so close together. Feels great to get in after a long hike through the lava fields. We are looking for possible new roommates...interested? Email me kelsey.poole09@yahoo.com
As for work, there's always potential to expand, grow, and change. That's what is scary and that is what I love about my job. Casey and I went 4Wheeling to investigate some expansion to our business. Despite the business side of things, it was so great to be up at 11,500 ft again on a mountain overlooking the prettiest coastline in the world! So refreshing, and so needed!! It was also my second time 4Wheeling, I wouldn't say I'm the best driver;/
On Saturday, all 4 of us went snorkeling at a place called MahuKona. From the highway, Haley's highly trained and professional whale watching eyes spotted a momma humpback and baby. They performed, breaching, tail slapping/slashing, head lunging, for about 45 minutes. Amazing that it is almost May and there are still whales around. When the baby is big enough, mom and baby will start making their trek to Alaska. Pretty amazing to be nursing a calf and making a 2500 mi journey. It's no wonder that females lose up to 40% of their body weight. Now that's a diet! God is pretty amazing.
So a random thought, but yet one I've been thinking: What sets humans apart from animals...why is it that we have feelings, a conscience, emotions, responsibility, creativity. I believe it all points back to a God. A Creator God. A God who so loved His creation and He decided to make Man in his image. Man reflects God. Man is not God, but points to a God. Our reflection of God sets us apart from other life. That's a privilege, an honor, and a huge responsibility...what does he want from us then?? Why not make us like the rest of the animals out there? I have to think it is because this Creator God which I believe so strongly in...is a relational God. He wants a relationship with you, and me...
to be continued...
Go work hard, and play hard this week.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Happy April!

Sorry it has been a while. Time is a flyin. Well to update you on our past month, let's begin:
My mom came at the end of March. It was great having her here. We celebrated Haley's 24th bday with pedicures and paddleboarding. Haley, Andrew, my mom and David went down into Waipio Valley (related to the Colorado incline). They played with the wild horses in the valley and enjoyed the beautiful beach and waterfalls.
Haley and Andrew are leaving us at the end of May:( Hawaii has been a great adventure for them, but they feel that it's time to leave. Not sure what's next for them, but we are thrilled as they continue on in the adventure. However, we are VERY sad to see them leave.
As for David and I, we still feel that the Big Island is our home. As for the roof over our heads, not sure if we'll keep the house we are in or downsize or...? Who knows, praying God will make that clear.
David and I both love our jobs. The other day Casey (my boss who is cutting the Mahi Mahi in the pic above) took Kim (one of the crew) and I on a holo holo boat trip (play day). We went out to fish, but ended up finding the last of our Big Island whales. About an hour into the trip a Mama humpback whale and a keiki (baby) whale put on quite a show...just for the 3 of us. It was awesome. I kept thinking that was a God thing.
For Easter, some friends of ours, Heather and Chris and their 10 month old Jackson, came over for the weekend. It was so great to spend time with them. Once again we realize how much we miss our old stomping grounds...Hilo. Miss our HMC family and friends:)
David is done with the night shifts at Target and he is back to working "normal" hours. He seems to be happier.
Well, lots of randomness. But that's life.
Love you all.
Kelsey and David and Kapule
Thursday, March 15, 2012

**Picture of Haley and I on the ocean taken by Casey Cho owner and captain of www.adventurexrafting.com :)
**Picture of boat taken by Haley Hendrickson (btw she has a new website up and running www.haleyhendricksonphotography.com)
Wow, it has been almost a month since I was last on blogging to update you all on our lives here in Hawaii. To our blogger followers, I'm sorry for the pause in blogging. It has been a very busy month as our adventure continues here on the Big Island.
February was a great month as we had over 700 guests join us for Whale Watching with Adventure X Rafting. With 2-3 trips a day, our boat was staying busy. We witnessed whales breaching (80,000 lbs launching out of the water), to whale muggings (whales coming directly under the boat and hanging out for several minutes). One day, we had an underwater camera on board and our captain captured this:
It is always a blessing and privilege to be able to witness activity of these amazing creatures. Wow, God is so good and so creative! It's also great to interact with so many people from all across the world, He's even more creative in how he made every person so unique...yet we are all created in His image.
David is still working nights at Target. He has one more week left of that, and then will be back to a more "normal" schedule. It has been a very stretching experience for him as a leader, but I believe he has learned a lot through this management opportunity. He and I on Saturday had a little excursion to the Northern part of the island called Hawi. We did a little hiking, a little eating, and a little beach going. It is always nice to go explore a new place.
Haley and Andrew continue to be a joy to have as roomies. I love working with Haley on the boat when given the opportunity. Though I have to admit, I am excited for life to settle down a bit, and to maybe do a little more exploring of the island with them. We don't know what's next in their future, or how long Hawaii will be home for them, but we do love the fact they are here now and the growth God seems to be doing in ALL of our lives.
Movies have been a fun pasttime for us in the evenings as each evening we take turns making dinner (a wonderful part of community living:). It has been fun to enjoy that part of life as they really take great joy in movies and tv shows. It seems to be a nice way to conclude a busy day.
Yesterday, I had a bit of an incident. As I was heading into the water to kiteboard, I "bumped" my foot on a rock or a shallow coral reef. Thinking it was just a little scratch, I continued to kiteboard for the next 30 minutes. However, the "little" scratch continued to bleed while in the water kiting, so I decided that instead of chumming for sharks I'd head in and land my kite and see what this "little" scratch was all about. Well, the little scratch turned out needing 14 stitches and 10 days of antibiotics. (sorry for the graphic picture above, but thought those who can stand the sight would be curious what my scratch looked like). My doctor said it was a good thing I came in to Urgent Care, as it was a deep wound and close to some major blood vessels. As much as I hate doctors and emergency rooms, I think it was a good decision to get it taken care of professionally (although David did a great job playing home doctor as he tried to clean the wound himself in our tub). So I'm forbidden to enter the water for a week, and get the stitches removed in 10 days. All things work together for the good...so maybe this is a forced rest from a very busy life I lead? Who knows...I'm bumming...but trying to see this as a positive opportunity for...something?
Uncle Mike, came out to visit for a day. It was great catching up with him, we missed you Aunt Elizabeth!
My mom comes out for a week on the 25th. I'm looking forward to spending some time with her as she relaxes on the beach:)
Art and Donna from Hilo came a few days ago to get out of Hilo's rain. It was so good catching up with them and hearing what God was doing in their lives. We really do love company...so whether you are in Hilo or on the mainland...please come visit:)
Well, that's all for now. Thanks for your prayers, love and support!
We will be back in Colorado May 13-17 and Indiana May 17-22. Hope to see some of you then!!
Love, Kelsey and David
Friday, February 10, 2012

The 2 boat/whale pics above were taken by my boss. This just gives you an idea of what I saw with the baby whale. This isn't the same whale, but Casey took this a while ago. Humpback whales are very curious animals, and like to explore boats. So when you are here on the Big Island...come check out Adventure X Rafting!!
The kiting pic was taken by Emily at White Dot photography in Hilo Bay...windy!! Blowing 25-30 mph.
Wow, it has been a long time since I've updated you all on our lives. I guess we've been that busy. Well here we go, the update begins:
Currently, my hubby is not feeling too good. To avoid getting sick, I escaped to Hilo for a couple of days to kiteboard. Yes, I'm a bad wife, but David insisted he did not want me home so I would not pick up the stomach flu, sore throat, cough, sinus stuff, and headache. Doesn't sound like fun, huh?
He missed 2 days of work and slept, and I enjoyed 2 days of intense kiting.
Work for David is going well, he is still in the middle or a remodeling project at Target and is working nights. Our times to see each other tends to be around the dinner hour. God seems to be stretching him in the leadership aspect, and we are praying for a change of position once this remodeling project is done. He is working toward being what's called the Presentation Team Lead, which means his hours would be at 4am-Noon...giving him enough time to play and see each other:)
Our whale season is rocking. For the most part we have been doing 2 trips a day, packed almost every trip! God is good!! Just the other day, I was so blessed to experience a baby humpback whale, belly up, come and brush against our boat. I've never been so close to a humpback whale in my life, and although a baby, it still is about 15 feet in length weighing over a ton in weight.
Haley reminded me, that when we listen to the whales sing live through our dual hydrophones on board, that they are probably singing to their Creator. All of creation truly sings praises to God, and we get to listen everyday!
Haley and Andrew:
Are our fantastic roomies! We love having them here! Andrew is now starting to do more with Aflac, anyone need insurance talk to him? And Haley has truly been a tremendous blessing helping take a lot of the responsibility with the boat! She is also trying to launch her photography here on the Big Island. www.haleyhendricksonphotography.com.
We still have not found a church, and unfortunately, I work most Sundays. In His timing, things will work out. We find fellowship with Haley and Andrew, and friends from Hilo:)
Signing off,
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